微信web-view 开发_在不到7个月的时间里我如何成为一名Web开发人员-以及如何
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微信web-view 开发

Around this time last year I started learning the basics of code in my spare time, and sure enough found myself working as a professional developer just 7 months later – with no CS degree, no bootcamp, and no clue.


So if you’re reading this you’re probably thinking: how on earth did that happen?


Well, my thoughts exactly.


In this article I’ll share what I did in those initial 7 months leading up to my first ever dev job. I’ll also include lots of resources I found helpful along the way, and bits of advice that I wish I had taken on sooner.

在本文中,我将分享在我完成第一个开发工作之前的最初7个月中的工作。 我还将提供许多我认为有帮助的资源,以及希望早日接受的一些建议。

If you’re a fellow coding beginner aiming to make a similar career change into web development, my hope is that this article offers you some guidance…


(If you haven’t started coding yet but want to find ways to begin, you might find a little more helpful, which includes lots of insights on how to take that first step towards learning to code.)

(如果您还没有开始编码,但是想找到开始的方法,您可能会发现 更有帮助,其中包括许多关于如何迈出第一步学习编码的见解。)

So, lesson number 1:


early尽早分享您的兴趣。 (🐣 Share your interest early.)

When I seriously started thinking about programming, the first thing I did was talk about it.


I asked my friends and family if anyone knew any developers who’d be willing to chat about their jobs, and ended up meeting so many smart and creative people who gave genuine, practical and (most importantly) varying insights.


The key here is to try and meet as many different kinds of developers as possible. If you can, speak to people with all sorts of interests and specialties at various stages in their careers. This kind of access can unveil the variety involved in programming, and you can use it to demystify the idea of coding as this big, scary thing.

这里的关键是尝试与尽可能多的不同类型的开发人员会面。 如果可以,请与在职业生涯各个阶段具有各种兴趣和专长的人交谈。 这种访问方式可以揭示编程中涉及的多样性,并且您可以使用它来使编码这一神秘的大问题变得神秘。

Another good habit to pick up early is to constantly:


🙋问。 (🙋 Ask. )

I asked developers some of the most basic things like:


  • What the hell is GitHub?

  • Do you really not need a computer science degree?

  • Why is everyone always talking about React?

  • What kind of tech jobs do you think there’ll be in 10 years time?


👋去参加聚会。 (👋 And go to meetups. )

If you’re lucky enough to live in a place like London where there are plenty of meetups happening – go!


This is great practice early on not only because you might get to have human beings guide you through coding problems, but because it lets you meet with organisers, coaches, bootcamp students, etc. etc.


By going to meetups you can also build up your network in the industry and hear about potential job opportunities suited to your skill level.


Some of my favourite beginner-friendly and inclusive meetups include:


  • . This is an amazing weekly meetup with over 20 chapters worldwide, where you can work with coaches and really get stuck into your code (they also run virtual meetups for those who can’t make it to events).


  • . This organisation runs friendly monthly meetups in London alongside a virtual community online, offering women a great way to meet other women in tech (and not just coders).


  • . This annual event (also in London) is a lovely place to contribute to open source projects, and includes an introduction to Github – very handy for beginners.


  • . This group organises meetups a couple of times a year in multiple locations, and is a great place for newbies to learn Javascript and Node.js.


Next‍♀️下一步:比赛。 (🏃‍♀️ Next: Play the field.)

For ages, I thought the first thing I had to know about code was what language I wanted to learn. But not only is it ok not to know where to start, I actually think it’s a huge advantage.

多年来,我认为关于代码的第一件事就是想学习哪种语言。 但是,不知道从哪里开始不仅可以,而且我认为这是一个巨大的优势。

There are so many languages and topics out there, and while this can definitely be overwhelming as a beginner, you can also make the most of your naivete and just try it all out without getting too preoccupied with all the surrounding jargon (for instance, you don’t need to know the entire history of CSS to just play around with it) – which leads me to my favourite bit of advice from those initial 7 months...


😈不好 (😈 Be bad.)

When I first started I was so scared of how bad I was going to be. And one of my biggest revelations since then was: nobody cares.

当我刚开始的时候,我非常害怕自己会变得多么糟糕。 从那时起,我最大的启示之一就是: 没人在乎。

Of course you’re going to be bad at it! You’ll be terrible. But, having a beginner status gives you license to suck at everything, so use it while the stakes are low. Enjoy being terrible – it’s fun, and freeing.

当然,您会对此很不好! 真可怕 但是,拥有初学者身份可让您获得吸吮一切的许可,因此,在风险低下时使用它。 享受可怕的生活–有趣,而且自由。

💻做教程。 (👩‍💻 Do the tutorials.)

When you’re trying to level up from total beginner, tutorials are great because their format eliminates the problem of having to figure out what you want to learn and how you want to learn it (while you’re actually just trying to learn it).

当您尝试从总体上初学者升级时,教程非常棒,因为它们的格式消除了必须弄清楚您想学习什么以及如何学习的问题(而您实际上只是在尝试学习它) 。

Some of my favourites include:


  • Any of the (great for learning different languages from scratch)

    任何 (非常适合从头学习不同的语言)

  • Rachel Andrew’s (awesome for learning CSS grid)

    Rachel Andrew的 (超赞CSS网格学习)

  • NodeGirls (nicely paced walkthroughs that introduce you to Javascript & Node.js)

    NodeGirls (详细介绍了Javascript和Node.js的分步演练)

When it comes to tutorials though, try and understand how you learn best and don’t get bogged down in one method or approach just because it’s the most popular or it was suggested to you.


You might not know much about coding at this stage, but what you do know is how you learn best. So trust your own judgement here.

您可能在现阶段对编码不是很了解,但是您所知道的是如何学习得最好。 因此,请在这里相信自己的判断。

Here are some different learning methods that have worked well for me:


  • . Byte sized exercises for different languages, great for when you need a break from heavy tutorials and want to play around with something a little lighter.


  • & . Two fun games that are great for helping you get to grips with CSS selectors and practicing flexbox layouts.


  • . A coding playground where you can look at people’s projects alongside their code, letting you to connect the dots between the two.


  • . A sweet, beginner-friendly mobile app that introduces you to Javascript fundamentals.


  • . This digital book pairs really well with freeCodeCamp exercises, giving a thorough and foundational understanding of Javascript.


👀成为模仿者。 (👀 Be a copycat. )

Soon enough, you’ll feel like it’s time to build something a bit more substantial. And a really fun way to do this without feeling overwhelmed is by trying to replicate cool stuff you’ve already seen (you can ). And as you do this:

很快,您会觉得是时候构建一些更强大的东西了。 做到这一点而又不感到不知所措的一种非常有趣的方法是尝试复制您已经看过的很酷的东西(您可以 )。 在执行此操作时:

🤔知道为什么。 (🤔 Know why. )

If you’re building your first ever website, before you even get to writing any code remember to ask yourself why. Are you doing it to:

如果您要建立自己的第一个网站,那么在开始编写任何代码之前,请记住问自己为什么 。 您是否要这样做:

  • Just fill up your portfolio?

  • Learn a particular language?

  • Try out different hacks you’ve heard about?


As a beginner, your main reason for building something is probably to learn by doing so your website or app is just a means to an end. It’s the byproduct, not the goal. Remember that.

作为初学者,构建内容的主要原因可能是通过学习来进行,因此您的网站或应用程序只是达到目的的一种手段。 这是副产品,而不是目标。 记住这一点。

Knowing this distinction is crucial to learning effectively, especially if you’re teaching yourself because as you’ll quickly learn: everyone’s got their own way of doing things. For instance if you’re building a website as a way to learn flexbox, then don’t let someone talk you into using Bootstrap.

知道这种区别对有效学习至关重要,特别是在您自学的时候,因为您会很快学习:每个人都有自己的做事方式。 例如,如果您正在建立一个网站作为学习flexbox的方式,那么不要让别人说服您使用Bootstrap。

If someone tells you there’s a quicker way to achieve a goal they may be right, but they might not have clarity on what the real aim is.


🗣好好说清楚。 (🗣 So articulate it. )

First to yourself, then to others, and then make your own decision about how you want to go about it. This part might seem super obvious, but in the midst of soaking up all that information, it’s all too easy to forget.

首先是对自己,然后对其他人,然后根据自己的意愿做出决定。 这部分可能看起来非常明显,但是在吸收所有这些信息的过程中,太容易忘记了。

💆然后冷却。 (💆 Then chill. )

The great thing about self-directed learning is that you decide the whats and the hows right? Well, another great thing is that your deadlines are made up by you, and if you don’t meet them, nobody cares. So give yourself a break!

自主学习的伟大之处在于,您可以决定正确的方法和正确的方法? 好吧,另一个很棒的事情是,您的截止日期是由您自己决定的,如果您不遵守这些截止日期,那么没人会在乎。 因此,休息一下吧!

⚡️保持灵感。 (⚡️ Stay inspired. )

This learning process is twofold: on one hand you need to spend time figuring out the technical minutiae in your code, and on the other you need to look around every now and again and see what other people are doing.


Blending these two approaches gives a great holistic perspective on your learning, and helps mitigate the stress of getting caught up in all the details. Here are some tips I found useful in my first 7 months:

结合这两种方法,您可以全面了解自己的学习情况,并有助于缓解陷入所有细节的压力。 以下是我在头7个月发现有用的一些技巧:

to参加会议。 (🎤 Go to conferences.)

  • . This is a UK-based event specifically for developers in the early stages of their careers. I went to it without ever having worked as a developer, felt totally comfortable there and left ready to get stuck into some code.

    这是一个英国活动,专门针对处于职业生涯初期的开发人员。 我以前从未从事过开发人员工作,而是在那里感到完全自在,并准备陷入一些代码中。

  • . This Nottingham-based conference provides a less technical, more meta approach to tech and where it fits into the world these days. With varied speakers and far-reaching topics, it’s super inspiring.

    这次基于诺丁汉的会议为技术提供了一种技术含量更低,更具元功能的方法,并且如今已融入世界。 演讲者多样,话题深远,令人振奋。

📚阅读。 (📚 Read up.)

  • (of course)


  • (they run a great series of interviews with self-taught developers)


  • (publishes a huge range of topics from design to coding to career progression)


  • (features articles, books, events, jobs – you name it)


👣关注人们。 (👣 Follow people.)

  • – has a lot of seriously cool stuff on Copeden.

    – Copeden上有很多非常酷的东西。

  • – gives loads of inspiring and practical talks, many of which you can find online.

    ( –提供了大量鼓舞人心和实用的演讲,您可以在网上找到许多演讲。

  • – has a rich Youtube channel full of insights on design and developing.

    ( –拥有丰富的Youtube频道,其中充满了对设计和开发的见解。

  • – founder & CEO of – total boss.

    -创始人和CEO的 -总的老板。

    – founder & CEO of – total boss.

    -创始人和CEO的 -总的老板。

And that’s essentially it. Looking back over the last year, I’ve come to realise that these core lessons were what sustained me as I went from being a copywriter who had never looked at a single line of code, to working as a full time developer.

基本上就是这样。 回顾过去的一年,我逐渐意识到,从成为一名从未看过任何代码的撰稿人到从事全职开发人员的工作,这些核心经验对我来说一直是至关重要的。

So if you’re thinking about switching careers but are worried about committing to such a big change, try breaking it down into these smaller goals and challenges.


If it can work for a woman who had absolutely no clue what she was doing at the time, it can surely work for you. So please: use these lessons learned, tailor them to your own learning style, and get after it.

如果它可以为完全不知道她当时在做什么的女人工作,那么它一定可以为您工作。 因此,请:使用这些经验教训,根据自己的学习风格进行调整,并加以遵循。

If you want to get in touch or keep up to date on future articles, talks and events, you can follow me on twitter here:



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